Monday, July 23, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Oh, the joys of living in the mid west. Last night we finally got some much needed rain. What we did not need is the hail that preceeded the rain. We have some damage to the siding of the house. But the cars were all inside the garage. Except for the rental that Mike is taking to Kansas today. Poor Hertz.
Sunday, July 15, 2007

As I have talked about in a previous blog, Mike's boat is in the shop for repairs. So now what can we do on the weekends without sailing? It seems we have
to go and visit it at the repair shop. And then wander around the
county looking for interesting things. Last weekend we drove over to Madison County and visited the birthplace of Marion Robert Morrison better know as John "Duke" Wayne. We were 6 weeks late for his 100 year birthday
celebration. But it was a fun half hour. As you can see the house is about 20 ft. square in total. It contains lots of John Wayne memorabilia. Most fun was reading the letters from his co-stars of the era with comments and memories of him. My favorite was from Maureen O'Hara saying that she needed more time to think and would write a proper letter later. She did,... about 7 years later. But she is over 85 yrs old now, so who can blame her if she forgot. The story they told as to how he got the nick name of Duke goes like this. When he was a boy, he took a lot of ribbing about his name of Marion so he would not tell people it. He had a dog named Duke that was his constant companion and people would say, "There go Big Duke and Little Duke." Hey, I dont make this stuff up!!!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Here we are in Cedar Rapids down by the river waiting for the big fireworks display. In order to be able to have a nice viewing seat you need to get there early. We parked ourselves there sometime around 5:00PM and waited for the 9:40PM start up. But the time went quickly. We had the downtown Freedom celebration to visit. There were sidewalk chalk drawings, music, vendors and people, people, people. I did not see them, but Bill and Hillary were supposed to be there also. In the photos are Katy and Kent, Duane and Elaine Olson, and Mike. We are playing a card game called "up the river" or something like that. Great evening! I hope to see some other 4th pictures on the other blogs.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Birthday, Brian!
Brian is the husband of my longtime friend and pen pal Lin. This picture was taken the last time we were all together. That was in Cancun, Mexico. It was the first time the husbands met each other and it was one of the best vacations I have ever had. Brian is so clever, he writes poetry and is working on a play.
Hurry and get it on the stage, Brian. Mike and I have promised to come and see it on opening night.
Always know just how special you both are to me.
In case anyone is wondering, Lin and I have been exchanging letters for over 40 years!!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!
I hope your holiday 'sparkels'.
A few comments on these old pictures. First, I looked down after posting these photos and realized I am wearing almost the same outfit today. I wonder what Freud would have to say about that? Before you ask, no it is not the 'same', it just looks the same. Also, kids, remember dads shirt? I think it got passed around for the next 2 decades and I am not sure, but I think it might be in my costume box.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy birthday, Aunt Mary!!
This is one of the first pictures I have of you. Note my ugly kitchen wall paper of the 80's!! You had a great smile then and you have a great smile today! Hey! Is this a big birthday? maybe the big 50? Fear not, you are and always will be terrific. We are sending you birthday hugs and kisses. Hope you day is great!!!