Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Now and Then
This is a picture of us taken this past September at Katy's wedding and the other is us at our own wedding in 1969, 38 years ago. Wasn't Mike just the cutest peice of beefcake ever! He still is a hunk. What can I say? Still crazy after all these years, yeah, still crazy after all these years. I love you, sweetheart!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Birthday JoAnn,
This is my dear friend, Jo. We have been friends for well over 25 years, having met back in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Our friendship has been there for each other through the raising of our children, and the joys of our grandchildren. Jo and her husband Tom have been there to help me with the old St. Peters' "Big Events". I don't know what I would have done with out them. And they were the only friends that braved it all and came to visit us in Torreon. It doesn't matter if we don't see each other for long periods of time, when we do, it is like we just visited yesterday. I love you, Jo. And I hope you appreciate that I said you are a dear friend that I have known for many years instead of a ' dear old friend.'
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Pat.
Jan. 22 is Pat's birthday. She is technically my step mother, but I prefer to call her my friend. She took such good and loving care of my dad as he was sick before his death. I will always be grateful and keep her in my prayers. I hope you day is a good one, Pat. May the good Lord grant you peace and happiness.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Happy Birthday, Tricia!!
I hope you had a great time today.
I am pretty sure you spent it with Madeleine, as Wednesday is your usual day off. I know that made it a good day.
We miss you, and wish you all the best. I hope my son takes you somewhere special for your day.
Birthday hugs and kisses from both of us.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Grandma lesson
We received some very good cookies as a Christmas gift. (Thanks, Jim and Mary) We took them along with us to Arizona and kept them in the Camper. Everyday Patrick would say to us, "How about we go to your camper", and we would because it was nice to relax in the sun. And of course I would offer everyone a cookie. Patrick was very partial to the Sugar cookies. Soon we were down to only one cookie, and it was a snickerdoodle. I offered it to Patrick and he said no. Next thing, I noticed that he would not talk to me, or even look at me. I asked him why he was angry with me and his answer....."Dama, you dont have any sugar cookies!!" So this little grandma has learned a big grandma lesson. ALWAYS HAVE SUGAR COOKIES ON HAND. Beleive me, I won't be caught without them in my camper again.