Thursday, February 23, 2006
We have just returned from living the last four and one half years in Torreon, Mexico. It is good to be back in the USA, but I do miss some things about my life there. It was a rare thing if I spent the day alone there. I was either with one of my friends or at the least talked to someone on the phone every day. Here in Iowa I have gone for several days without seeing or hearing from my friends here. It feels a bit lonely, but lucky for me I have so busy unpacking that I have not noticed so much. I opened the final box yesterday. I have been opening boxes everyday since Feb. 4th. So no boxes to open was a wonderful feeling. I still have not found any of my kitchen knives, but the rest of my stuff seems to be here. That is except for the stuff destroyed when the storage people dropped one of the pods. We have moved several times in the 37 years of marriage, but this one was the worst in terms of damages. Oh well, such is life. And that is what insurance is for, right?
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Well, here we are... Together through it all. We just moved back from Mexico. We were there on business. Now its the dead of winter and we're getting our coats out of storage and shoveling snow. Our daughter has set this account up for us so I'm finally getting us up to speed. Stay tuned for more news on all our intrigues... Our grandson, another grandbaby on the way, vacation, travel, sailboating, and our children across the country (Iowa, Arizona, and Washington). Our daughter, Katy, is getting married next fall and has her own website. Go to it here.