Well, here we are... Together through it all. We just moved back from Mexico. We were there on business. Now its the dead of winter and we're getting our coats out of storage and shoveling snow. Our daughter has set this account up for us so I'm finally getting us up to speed. Stay tuned for more news on all our intrigues... Our grandson, another grandbaby on the way, vacation, travel, sailboating, and our children across the country (Iowa, Arizona, and Washington). Our daughter, Katy, is getting married next fall and has her own website. Go to it here.
Annette - Ruth is here right now so I showed her the pictures on your blog! She would ordinarily be at Sharon's today but she came here instead since she will be off on Good Friday and we won't be here anyway! It's nice to have her around! (Pam and Chuck and Em left for Canada on Sunday and she'll be gone for two weeks although Chuck will return sooner than that.
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