Before I talk about the new pictures, I want to thank everyone who viewed the birthday blogg Mike posted. It was so much fun hearing from everyone and it really made turning the BIG 60 a lot more pleasant. Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!!!
Now on to what has been going on since then. We made the trip to Arizona, where we will be spending the winter months. The weather is very nice, but I am having a difficult time realizing that Thanksgiving is only one week away!! Zowie?
We had a lovely visit from Mike's sister Marsha and our brother-in law Mike. We visited the art gallery district in Scottsdale. Then we had loads of fun checkding out the shops in Cave Creek, where I bought a new (you guessed it) SANTA!! The one is made of pottery clay and will sit outside with a light inside this season. Aaron really liked it. Friday night we went to an outdoor restaruant called Greasewood Flat for burgers and beer, and Mike, Angie and the boys met us there. The group shot of everyone was taken by the one missing from the shot, Patrick. Great job, dont you think? On Saturday, Mike, Angie, Patrick and Aaron came over to spend time with all of us. I think everyone enjoyed the fire pit. Patrick and Aaron made some'ores for all.
We hope Mike and Marsha come again soon, and all the rest of our family and friends come for a visit also.