I spent several hours putting slides into the computer this weekend. I came upon this picture taken at the Loveland Castle. I cant say that I remember the occasion, but I am sure someone out there will and remind me. Mike O. must have been the photographer. Uncle Mike M is there but all you can see of him is his arm and hand on top of Mikey's head. Is the guy in the hat and sunglasses Uncle Chet? Anyway it is a rare picture of this much Earle & Marge Obert family together that I thought I would share it with you. Hope you enjoy it also.
What the heck is my mom doing? Maybe that is where Riss gets it from. Although I really don't remember this particular day this must have been during the memorial for Grandpa and Grandma. 1987? I have some pics from the same trip, we all look about the same.
I think this is the same trip that Missy had all of those Daquiri's. By the way I like Mom's pose!
I like that pose too... but GAWD! I look terrible. Ah, those akward puberty years. Gotta love 'em. I thought I burned all the pics from those years
All I can say is that this has to be circa 1987. I am wearing a T-shirt for Rebel Without a Cause. I was in that play in HS in 1987.
Honestly - I don't remember anything else about that photograph.
I left a comment yesterday - but it's not here! I think these computers have minds of there own. I also think it was the mememorial service. I remember going - but not that Uncle Marty was there. I guess our minds were elsewhere.
I have some pictures of Katy & Riss playing baseball in Uncle Jim's yard and Uncle Marty was there as well. He has a tshirt on that says Fadduh and is smoking a cigarette. Why I remember that I have no idea. Oh yeah, thanks Riss but no. That was New Years Eve. This is summer.
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