Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy 4th of July weekend!!
We spent the holiday at Katy and Kent's house. She had a picnic for family, friends and neighbors. The neighborhood closed off the street for a short time so the kids could have a holiday parade. They decorated the bikes, etc. and it was very cute. Very short and very cute. If you are wondering why Lucy is going one direction and the bikes are all going the opposite direction, it is because no one told the kids the difference between a parade and a race. So while Katy and Kent paraded down the road, the kids all raced as fast as they could up and down, and up and down.
By the way, isn't Lucy just the epitome of holiday spirit in her cute patriotic dress??


Blogger Chet and Gini said...

She looks very patriotic. Sounds like a fun, good old fashioned 4th.

3:20 AM  

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