Friday, March 30, 2007

Looks like Maddie has to make a choice for lunch. Fish or donut!!
I am here with Maddie, Tricia and Chris in Seattle. She is such a delight, my own little sunshine. All is going well, Chris is recouperating after his surgery. (Nothing major.) So I am enjoying his company also. Tricia is always very sweet to me and we spend her days off together.
When I arrived Madeleine had a cold. Her first cold and was not feeling well. I told her that she had to get rid of that nasty cold. She did.-- Now I have it. But at least as a grown up I am able to take something for it.


Blogger Chet and Gini said...

Glad to hear that Chris is okay and you got to see your baby. Mom S. just had back surgery and after spending 10 days in the hospital, they decided to send her to a rehabilitation hospital for a week. The surgery went well, but is is going to take her awhile to learn how to be back on her feet again. Hopefully she'll be home for Easter

4:40 AM  
Blogger Missy said...

She is so darn cute - I bet everyone comments on her big blue eyes!

7:11 PM  
Blogger Rissa said...

She looks ilke Chris to me.

2:41 PM  

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