I spent this morning making Goetta. Goetta is a german traditional breakfast food. The recipe that I have was given to me by my dad, and he got it from his sister-in-law, my Aunt Gracie, who I belive used the same one as my grandma Wuennemann pictured here on her wedding day. Note any family resemblance? No? But I did look a lot like this when I was young. Anyway, I was talking to my brother while I was cooking and we went online and found several recipes though most of them were the same. Funny, but my recipe is the only I found that calls for tapioca. We found some that added sage and thyme for spices, I added some to half of this batch to see what that is like. Anyone out there heard or ever tasted Goetta? So far it seems to be a Cincinnati metro area food. It is even sold in the stores under the brand name of Gliers. It takes about 3 hours to cook the traditional way, but I also saw where someone has converted it to a slow cooker recipe. Next time I would like to try that too. Time to bring this family favorite into the 21st Century.
I would love for you to send me the recipe. Chet's family is all German - and none of them have heard of it. It's funny how you rememember and miss the "ordinary" stuff -but we can't be getting old!
That is a cool picture. I don't think we have any old "wedding" photos on this side that I have seen. My dad's parents eloped and did G&G O. elope or just do the smallish thing while he was in the service? What about the previous generation? I don't recall any wedding photos there either.
Pop-o has one of G-grandpa and G-grandma Obert with thier best man and matron of honor...
I will be looking for and displaying such photos for my wedding in honor of all the Obert/Wuennemann and Olson/Lillethorp weddings if any have any they would like displayed send them my way.
ALso, awesome, interesting blog article...
I have a copy of Grandmaw & Grandpaw O on their wedding day - Grandpaw is in uniform. I do think it was just a small ceremony in front of the base chaplain - but am not sure (Mar & Mike might know more) I will get it scanned & upload it. I also have the one that Katie is referring to - will try to scan that as well.
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