Our tree and my favorite ornament.
Here is our tree, it is new this year, a pre-lit one. It seems as we get older, the less hassel the better. I made the tree skirt about 10 yrs ago, and the train we bought in Mexico. The little eskimo ornament is my favorite because we bought her for our first Christmas tree back in 1969. We bought her on Christmas Eve just before the store closed and so she was marked down. There is only one other ornament from that tree left, and it is slightly broken. Looking at her reminds me of sitting in a rocking chair under the lights of our little 4 ft. tree feeding my first born son, only 1 month old at that time. It was magical to me. I just noticed that you cannot see the entire tree top ornament. It's a light house with Santa and his reindeer circling it. Guess who picked that one out?
Your tree is lovely. I agree there is a temptation to make putting up the tree easy as possible - but once it's up, I always enjoy it. Our tree is real. I believe you also made my tree skirt - and - we have a card holder just like the one to the left of your tree. I don't remember, but did that come from you too?
No, I beleive it was a gift from Jim and Mary.
I have a similar card holder. That is the coolest tree topper I have ever seen. Your story made me cry.
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