Some observations on last night. I was surprised to see that 75% of the Treat or treaters were between the agest of 11 to 15. I am not complaining. I love to see them being children as long as possible. They were ALL polite and fun. Very few wore actual masks, also something I liked. The little ones were a delight. Lots of princesses!! Not as many pirates as I expected. But I think my favorite was the kid that came dressed in a suit coat all covered with Barbie dolls. I asked him what it was, and he turned around and showed me what was written on the back--"Chick Magnet". Too cute. The biggest and oldest Trick or Treater asked to shake my hand, he said "You have really kept the spirit of the Holiday, You are awesome". That made my night. So until next year, happy haunting.
I am so glad you had a good time
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